So you spend a lot of time and money creating a fabulous website for your business or project and you’re very proud of your results. As you should be, an awful lot of planning and hard work goes into creating your website and getting the design and the content right. But that is just the beginning. People think if they get a website it will automatically mean more sales and more business. But that is not the case. Getting the website is just the start.
If you develop a new product or service for your business, you then need to market it and get it out to the public before it makes you money. Well it’s the exact same with a website. Once you have developed your website, then real work starts. You need to market it and get it out in front of your customers.
In business, we track our sales (very closely) so we can see how well we are doing. You need to be able to do the same with your website, or else how do you know if it’s even working for you? That’s where Google Analytics comes in!
Everybody knows Google as the largest search engine in the world. It’s where you go to find what you want. But Google is a giant empire. It’s so much more than just a search engine and as a business, you should get very familiar with all of Google’s tools as the majority of them are useful, and free!
Google Analytics is a tool that allows you to measure visitors to your website and to track their movements right down to the smallest detail. How many visitors you have to your website, what page they landed on first, what page they went to next, how long they spent on the page, and that is just the simple stuff.
Why Use Google Analytics?
Google Analytics Is Free (which is the best reason) – In this case it’s not a matter of you get what you pay for. Google Analytics is actually the best analytics tool out there.
Google Analytics is Easy to use – Google Analytics give you a ridiculous amount of information but it breaks everything down for you, so you can focus as much or as little content as you want.
Google Analytics is Visual – It’s not all numbers. Google Analytics make great use of graphs and charts making it more visual and easier to digest and understand the information.
Google Analytics is Connected to Other Google Tools – Connect Google Analytics to your Adwords or Webmaster Tools and get even more information from your campaigns. Making it easier to judge the effectiveness of your total online marketing efforts.
Google Analytics is More Than Just Data – Google Analytics provides a variety of tools that help you judge the effectiveness of your website. For example you can set goals for yourself in Analytics, and Analytics will keep track of how often you convert these goals. It also provides a great benchmarking tool that allows you to anonymously compare your visitor numbers to other businesses in your sector and region.
Google Analytics is customer feedback – If a lot of visitors are leaving your website after visiting a particular page, that page is obviously not working for you. With the data from Google Analytics, it doesn’t just show you what is working, it will also highlights the areas of your website that are not doing so well, informing you of the area’s that need work.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up to this amazing free tool, get the code embedded in your website, and start to make your website work for you!